From my experience, a lot of developers and researchers use Eclipse modeling tools -- or even implement their own modeling tools. So you may be interested in the following CfP for the
Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (MeDMoT'13)
on the 17th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference EDOC 2013
Submission deadline: 2013-04-15
Having modeling tools available is a central assumption made in modeling research. Software tools for modeling are a prerequisite for any practical application of modeling methods, and research prototypes of model editors are required for developing new modeling languages and methods. It it thus desirable to efficiently guide the development of modeling tools and seamlessly align their design with the conceptualization of modeling languages and their application.
The workshop focuses on procedures and architectural principles related to the creation of software for presenting, editing, transforming, or analyzing models. This covers special constellations related to the use of models and modeling languages, for example, the ability to automatically derive model editor functionality from formal specifications of modeling languages (meta-models, grammars, etc.). In addition, design principles and implementation options for requirements towards modeling tools, such as wizard support for interactive modeling, or alternative ways to display graphical models, are discussed. All kinds of models are included in this discussion, either domain-specific or general-purpose models, as well as graphical and textual models with their related software tooling support. Intended audience are scientists and practitioners, who apply modeling techniques and model-driven procedures, and develop their own modeling tools.
Submissions may document research work on newly created modeling tools, either for prototype or production purposes, as well as work on methodology and architecture of modeling tool development. This may cover model editor software in a narrow sense, as well as any approach for handling, transforming or analyzing models in a wider sense.
Possible topics for submissions are:
- How can formal language descriptions, e. g. meta-models or language grammars, be consulted for partially or fully automatizing the creation of modeling tools?
- How can process models of modeling activities be be made a basis for innovative modeling tool development?
- Which methodical implications are bound to the use of code generation approaches to create tooling support, and how do they compare to runtime interpreter solutions?
- How can versioning conflicts be handled or avoided during parallel development of modeling languages, modeling tools, and existing model instances?
- Which role do model editors play as end-user interfaces to control applications ("models at runtime")? To what extent do "models at runtime" blur the border between developing modeling tools and other types of applications?
Contributions to related topics are also welcome.
Read more about this at the workshop's homepage!
PS Some readers may had a deja vu reading this CfP... Well, to be honest we already have organized a similar workshop at CSE 2012. Unfortunately we received too few papers that last time, which may be caused by bad publicity or the combination of the workshop with CSE has been less attractive. So, I'm more than happy now that the workshop has been accepted at EDOC. The conference will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada -- so I hope this will be more attrative :-) I believe that this workshop is a great oppurtunity to publish certain aspects of a researcher's work, that yet require a lot of effort but are usually not of interest for the research community: namely the design and implementation of the modeling tools, which are then used to proove new approaches.